
Plants, Phragmites australis, have the fundamental role of creating a suitable habitat for the growth of bacterial flora which, therefore, is the main agent of biological purification.

The flow rate of the plant created, in terms of mc/day of wastewater treated by the phytodepuration system, is equal to 100. The water introduced consists of wastewater from the cooperative dairy, the milking parlor, the agritourism restaurant, the guesthouse and from offices. The surface occupied by the plant is equal to 2,200 square metres, for a total of 10,000 plants: the percentage of reduction of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), a parameter of the level of pollutants, is 97% and this result allows for end of the purification cycle, clean and reusable water for irrigation.

The system can serve users equal to 1,667 population equivalent.

The problems we had to face

  • Energy costs for the treatment and purification of company wastewater
  • Management and maintenance costs of traditional purification systems
  • Low capacity of traditional systems to absorb peaks of C.O.D. (Chemical Oxygen Demand)


  • Reduction of management and maintenance costs
  • Possibility of reusing outgoing water for irrigation of the land
  • Creation of additional biomass for use in anaerobic digestion (BIOGAS)