La centrale a biogas

Our biogas plant enabled our Fattoria to produce green energy and, with 998 kW/h, it is one of the biggest in the centre and south of Italy.

We created a self-sustaining ecosystem that uses agricultural wastes to produce energy: all the manure, sewage and whey are collected in two digesters where, thanks to a heating and mixing process, they go through anaerobic fermentation that allows the production of biogas, a green gas that is 55% biomethane.

The manure and slurry from our stables, together with the whey that remains as a residue from the dairy processes, are collected in two fermenters, inside which, thanks to the mixing and heating technology, an anaerobic fermentation process takes place which produces biogas, a biological gas that contains 55% methane.

The biogas is then burnt in a co-generator, an engine that produces both electric and thermic energy. The electricity produced is enough to power 2.680 family households while the thermic energy is used at our dairy to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels.

Through the process of fermentation and combustion of biogas, all agricultural waste is transformed into an important energy source, while the remains of fermentation become organic fertilizer for forage crops, which will then feed the farms.

The Fattoria della Piana thus becomes a real self-sufficient ecosystem, capable of producing energy from the waste of the agri-food and livestock industry, and of providing an opportunity for the disposal and valorisation of biomass which from waste can become a resource and wealth for our land. .

The problems we had to face

  • Presence of by-products deriving from own agricultural processes
  • Presence of by-products deriving from the processing of neighboring industries (citrus pulp, olive pomace, onion)
  • Presence of wastewater from neighboring farms (Pollina)
  • Presence of livestock manure from farms of its members
  • Presence of processing residues from the dairy (mainly whey)
  • Presence of high odor load in by-products and wastewater


  • Significant reduction of company disposal costs
  • Solution of the problem of disposal of by-products for neighboring industries and farms
  • Creation of thermal energy (cogeneration) destined for the Dairy for the manufacturing processes, for the offices and for the agritourism for heating the premises
  • Creation of additional income deriving from the incentives recognized by the GSE for the electricity fed into the national grid
  • Abatement of the odor threshold in the outgoing product (digestate)